Thanks for checking out "Necessity". My blog on the necessity of being an artist. Just as we crave art to nourish our minds and to see life through the eyes of another. There is a need to share our experience. What ever form used we are all artists.
I believe being an artist is a necessary human function. Vincent VanGogh wrote "Every soul has a fire, but few stop to warm themselves by it". I believe as we embrace our inner artist that fire burns brighter.
Painting is therapeutic and hearing what people get from your works is great. I've been doing abstracts for 20 years, been simplifying things of late. Having lived in a home edged on two sides by 60ft.bamboo, you get to know it well. As an abstract artist your work comes from your brain, what you might see or feel, not a mirror image, but filtered through us. Your comments are welcome.
Thanks Jeff Mahorney for getting me started on Blogger.
Merry Christmas Charlie and Bobby.